NumCpp  2.14.0
A Templatized Header Only C++ Implementation of the Python NumPy Library
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Example for interfaceing with Eigen Matrix

#include "NumCpp.hpp"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using EigenIntMatrix = Eigen::Matrix<int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>;
using EigenIntMatrixMap = Eigen::Map<EigenIntMatrix>;
int main()
// construct some NumCpp arrays
auto ncA = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 5, 5 }, 0, 10);
auto ncB = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 5, 5 }, 0, 10);
std::cout << "ncA:\n" << ncA << std::endl;
std::cout << "ncB:\n" << ncB << std::endl;
// map the arrays to Eigen
auto eigenA = EigenIntMatrixMap(, ncA.numRows(), ncA.numCols());
auto eigenB = EigenIntMatrixMap(, ncB.numRows(), ncB.numCols());
// add the two Eigen matrices
auto eigenC = eigenA + eigenB;
// add the two NumCpp arrays for a sanity check
auto ncC = ncA + ncB;
// convert the Eigen result back to NumCpp
auto data = std::vector<int>(eigenC.rows() * eigenC.cols());
EigenIntMatrixMap(, eigenC.rows(), eigenC.cols()) = eigenC;
auto ncCeigen = nc::NdArray<int>(, eigenC.rows(), eigenC.cols(), nc::PointerPolicy::SHELL);
// compare the two outputs
if (nc::array_equal(ncC, ncCeigen))
std::cout << "Arrays are equal." << std::endl;
std::cout << ncC << std::endl;
std::cout << "Arrays are not equal." << std::endl;
std::cout << "ncCeigen:\n" << ncCeigen << std::endl;
std::cout << "ncC:\n" << ncC << std::endl;
return 0;
bool array_equal(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2) noexcept
Definition array_equal.hpp:47
NdArray< dtype > arange(dtype inStart, dtype inStop, dtype inStep=1)
Definition arange.hpp:59