A Templatized Header Only C++ Implementation of the Python NumPy Library
▼Nnc | |
Nbroadcast | |
Nconstants | |
▼Ncoordinates | |
▼Nreference_frames | |
Nconstants | |
CAER | Az, El, Range coordinates |
CCelestial | Holds a full celestial Celestial object |
CDec | Holds a Declination object |
CECEF | ECEF coordinates |
CENU | East North Up coordinates |
CGeocentric | Geocentric coordinates |
CLLA | Geodetic coordinates |
CNED | North east down coordinates |
CRA | Holds a right ascension object |
Ntransforms | |
CCartesian | Cartensian coordinates |
CEuler | Euler |
COrientation | Orientation |
Ndetail | |
▼Nedac | |
Ndetail | |
Nendian | |
Nerror | |
▼Nfilter | |
Nboundary | |
▼NimageProcessing | |
CCentroid | Holds the information for a centroid |
CCluster | Holds the information for a cluster of pixels |
CClusterMaker | Clusters exceedance data into contiguous groups |
CPixel | Holds the information for a single pixel |
▼Nintegrate | |
CLegendrePolynomial | |
▼Nlinalg | |
Ndetail | |
CSVD | |
▼Nlogger | |
▼Ndetail | Register a global logger |
▼Ntype_traits | |
Chas_serialize | Type trait to check if a type has a serialize method with the correct signature |
Chas_serialize< DataType, std::void_t< std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< serialize_t< DataType >, std::string >, int > > > | Type trait to check if a type has a serialize method with the correct signature |
CBinaryDataLogger | Binary Logger |
CBinaryLogger | Binary Logger Singleton |
▼Npolynomial | |
CPoly1d | |
▼Nrandom | |
Ndetail | |
CRNG | |
▼Nroots | |
CBisection | |
CBrent | |
CDekker | |
CIteration | ABC for iteration classes to derive from |
CNewton | |
CSecant | |
▼Nrotations | |
CDCM | Factory methods for generating direction cosine matrices and vectors |
CQuaternion | Holds a unit quaternion |
Nspecial | |
Nstl_algorithms | |
▼Ntype_traits | |
Cis_ndarray_int | |
Cis_ndarray_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > > | |
Cis_ndarray_signed_int | |
Cis_ndarray_signed_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > > | |
▼Nutils | |
▼Ntimeit_detail | |
CResult | Result statistics of a timeit run |
Call_arithmetic | |
Call_arithmetic< Head, Tail... > | |
Call_arithmetic< T > | |
Call_same | |
Call_same< T1, Head, Tail... > | |
Call_same< T1, T2 > | |
CDataCube | Convenience container for holding a uniform array of NdArrays |
CDateTime | Date Time class for working with iso formatted date times |
CDtypeInfo | Holds info about the dtype |
CDtypeInfo< std::complex< dtype > > | Holds info about the std::complex |
CgreaterThan | |
Cis_complex | |
Cis_complex< std::complex< T > > | |
Cis_ndarray_int | |
Cis_ndarray_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > > | |
Cis_valid_dtype | |
CNdArray | Holds 1D and 2D arrays, the main work horse of the NumCpp library |
CNdArrayColumnIterator | Custom column iterator for NdArray |
CNdArrayConstColumnIterator | Custom column const_iterator for NdArray |
CNdArrayConstIterator | Custom const_iterator for NdArray |
CNdArrayIterator | Custom iterator for NdArray |
CShape | A Shape Class for NdArrays |
CSlice | A Class for slicing into NdArrays |
CTimer | A timer class for timing code execution |
CVec2 | Holds a 2D vector |
CVec3 | Holds a 3D vector |