NumCpp  2.13.0
A Templatized Header Only C++ Implementation of the Python NumPy Library
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CAERAz, El, Range coordinates
 CCelestialHolds a full celestial Celestial object
 CDecHolds a Declination object
 CECEFECEF coordinates
 CENUEast North Up coordinates
 CGeocentricGeocentric coordinates
 CLLAGeodetic coordinates
 CNEDNorth east down coordinates
 CRAHolds a right ascension object
 CCartesianCartensian coordinates
 CCentroidHolds the information for a centroid
 CClusterHolds the information for a cluster of pixels
 CClusterMakerClusters exceedance data into contiguous groups
 CPixelHolds the information for a single pixel
 NdetailRegister a global logger
 Chas_serializeType trait to check if a type has a serialize method with the correct signature
 Chas_serialize< DataType, std::void_t< std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< serialize_t< DataType >, std::string >, int > > >Type trait to check if a type has a serialize method with the correct signature
 CBinaryDataLoggerBinary Logger
 CBinaryLoggerBinary Logger Singleton
 CIterationABC for iteration classes to derive from
 CDCMFactory methods for generating direction cosine matrices and vectors
 CQuaternionHolds a unit quaternion
 Cis_ndarray_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > >
 Cis_ndarray_signed_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > >
 CResultResult statistics of a timeit run
 Call_arithmetic< Head, Tail... >
 Call_arithmetic< T >
 Call_same< T1, Head, Tail... >
 Call_same< T1, T2 >
 CDataCubeConvenience container for holding a uniform array of NdArrays
 CDateTimeDate Time class for working with iso formatted date times
 CDtypeInfoHolds info about the dtype
 CDtypeInfo< std::complex< dtype > >Holds info about the std::complex
 Cis_complex< std::complex< T > >
 Cis_ndarray_int< NdArray< dtype, Allocator > >
 CNdArrayHolds 1D and 2D arrays, the main work horse of the NumCpp library
 CNdArrayColumnIteratorCustom column iterator for NdArray
 CNdArrayConstColumnIteratorCustom column const_iterator for NdArray
 CNdArrayConstIteratorCustom const_iterator for NdArray
 CNdArrayIteratorCustom iterator for NdArray
 CShapeA Shape Class for NdArrays
 CSliceA Class for slicing into NdArrays
 CTimerA timer class for timing code execution
 CVec2Holds a 2D vector
 CVec3Holds a 3D vector