NumCpp  2.12.1
A Templatized Header Only C++ Implementation of the Python NumPy Library

Example for interfaceing with OpenCV Mat

#include "NumCpp.hpp"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
constexpr nc::uint32 NUM_ROWS = 512;
constexpr nc::uint32 NUM_COLS = 512;
int main()
// create a ramp image with NumCpp
constexpr auto numHalfCols = NUM_COLS / 2; // integer division
auto ncArray = nc::NdArray<nc::uint8>(NUM_ROWS, NUM_COLS);
for (nc::uint32 row = 0; row < ncArray.numRows(); ++row)
auto begin = ncArray.begin(row);
std::iota(begin, begin + numHalfCols, nc::uint8{ 0 });
auto rbegin = ncArray.rbegin(row);
std::iota(rbegin, rbegin + numHalfCols, nc::uint8{ 0 });
// convert to OpenCV Mat
auto cvArray = cv::Mat(ncArray.numRows(), ncArray.numCols(), CV_8SC1,;
// display the OpenCV Mat
cv::namedWindow("Display window", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.
cv::imshow("Display window", cvArray); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// tranpose the Mat with OpenCV
auto transposedCvArray = cv::Mat(cvArray.cols, cvArray.rows, CV_8SC1);
cv::transpose(cvArray, transposedCvArray);
// display the transposed Mat
cv::namedWindow("Display window", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); // Create a window for display.
cv::imshow("Display window", transposedCvArray); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(0); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// convert the transposed OpenCV Mat to a NumCpp array
auto transposedNcArray =
nc::NdArray<nc::uint8>(, transposedCvArray.rows, transposedCvArray.cols);
// make sure the two transposed arrays are the same
if (nc::array_equal(transposedNcArray, ncArray.transpose()))
std::cout << "Arrays are equal.\n";
std::cout << "Arrays are not equal.\n";
return 0;
Holds 1D and 2D arrays, the main work horse of the NumCpp library.
Definition: NdArrayCore.hpp:139
bool array_equal(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2) noexcept
Definition: array_equal.hpp:47
std::uint8_t uint8
Definition: Types.hpp:42
std::uint32_t uint32
Definition: Types.hpp:40
NdArray< dtype > transpose(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition: transpose.hpp:45