NumCpp  2.14.0
A Templatized Header Only C++ Implementation of the Python NumPy Library
No Matches

Examples from the Quick Start Guide in at GitHub Repository

#include "NumCpp.hpp"
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
int main()
// Containers
nc::NdArray<int> a0 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } };
nc::NdArray<int> a1 = { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } };
a1.reshape(2, 3);
auto a2 = a1.astype<double>();
// Initializers
auto a3 = nc::linspace<int>(1, 10, 5);
auto a4 = nc::arange<int>(3, 7);
auto a5 = nc::eye<int>(4);
auto a6 = nc::zeros<int>(3, 4);
auto a7 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4) = 0;
auto a8 = nc::ones<int>(3, 4);
auto a9 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4) = 1;
auto a10 = nc::nans(3, 4);
auto a12 = nc::empty<int>(3, 4);
auto a13 = nc::NdArray<int>(3, 4);
// Slicing/Broadcasting
auto a14 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 10, 10 }, 0, 100);
[[maybe_unused]] auto value = a14(2, 3);
auto slice = a14({ 2, 5 }, { 2, 5 });
auto rowSlice = a14(a14.rSlice(), 7);
auto values = a14[a14 > 50];
a14.putMask(a14 > 50, 666);
// random
auto a15 = nc::random::randN<double>({ 3, 4 });
auto a16 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
auto a17 = nc::random::rand<double>({ 3, 4 });
auto a18 = nc::random::choice(a17, 3);
// Concatenation
auto a = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
auto b = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
auto c = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 4 }, 0, 10);
auto a19 = nc::stack({ a, b, c }, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto a20 = nc::vstack({ a, b, c });
auto a21 = nc::hstack({ a, b, c });
auto a22 = nc::append(a, b, nc::Axis::COL);
// Diagonal, Traingular, and Flip
auto d = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 5, 5 }, 0, 10);
auto a23 = nc::diagonal(d);
auto a24 = nc::triu(a);
auto a25 = nc::tril(a);
auto a26 = nc::flip(d, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto a27 = nc::flipud(d);
auto a28 = nc::fliplr(d);
// iteration
for (auto it = a.begin(); it < a.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto& arrayValue : a)
std::cout << arrayValue << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
// Logical
auto a29 = nc::where(a > 5, a, b);
auto a30 = nc::any(a);
auto a31 = nc::all(a);
auto a32 = nc::logical_and(a, b);
auto a33 = nc::logical_or(a, b);
auto a34 = nc::isclose(a15, a17);
[[maybe_unused]] auto a35 = nc::allclose(a, b);
// Comparisons
auto a36 = nc::equal(a, b);
auto a37 = a == b;
auto a38 = nc::not_equal(a, b);
auto a39 = a != b;
#ifdef __cpp_structured_bindings
auto [rows, cols] = nc::nonzero(a);
auto rowsCols = nc::nonzero(a);
auto& rows = rowsCols.first;
auto& cols = rowsCols.second;
// Minimum, Maximum, Sorting
auto value1 = nc::min(a);
auto value2 = nc::max(a);
auto value3 = nc::argmin(a);
auto value4 = nc::argmax(a);
auto a41 = nc::sort(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto a42 = nc::argsort(a, nc::Axis::COL);
auto a43 = nc::unique(a);
auto a44 = nc::setdiff1d(a, b);
auto a45 = nc::diff(a);
// Reducers
auto value5 = nc::sum<int>(a);
auto a46 = nc::sum<int>(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto value6 = nc::prod<int>(a);
auto a47 = nc::prod<int>(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto value7 = nc::mean(a);
auto a48 = nc::mean(a, nc::Axis::ROW);
auto value8 = nc::count_nonzero(a);
// I/O
std::cout << a << std::endl;
auto tempDir = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path();
auto tempTxt = (tempDir / "temp.txt").string();
a.tofile(tempTxt, '\n');
auto a50 = nc::fromfile<int>(tempTxt, '\n');
auto tempBin = (tempDir / "temp.bin").string();
nc::dump(a, tempBin);
auto a51 = nc::load<int>(tempBin);
// Mathematical Functions
// Basic Functions
auto a52 = nc::abs(a);
auto a53 = nc::sign(a);
auto a54 = nc::remainder(a, b);
auto a55 = nc::clip(a, 3, 8);
auto xp = nc::linspace<double>(0.0, 2.0 * nc::constants::pi, 100);
auto fp = nc::sin(xp);
auto x = nc::linspace<double>(0.0, 2.0 * nc::constants::pi, 1000);
auto f = nc::interp(x, xp, fp);
// Exponential Functions
auto a56 = nc::exp(a);
auto a57 = nc::expm1(a);
auto a58 = nc::log(a);
auto a59 = nc::log1p(a);
// Power Functions
auto a60 = nc::power<int>(a, 4);
auto a61 = nc::sqrt(a);
auto a62 = nc::square(a);
auto a63 = nc::cbrt(a);
// Trigonometric Functions
auto a64 = nc::sin(a);
auto a65 = nc::cos(a);
auto a66 = nc::tan(a);
// Hyperbolic Functions
auto a67 = nc::sinh(a);
auto a68 = nc::cosh(a);
auto a69 = nc::tanh(a);
// Classification Functions
auto a70 = nc::isnan(a.astype<double>());
// nc::isinf(a);
// Linear Algebra
auto a71 = nc::norm<int>(a);
auto a72 = nc::dot<int>(a, b.transpose());
auto a73 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 3, 3 }, 0, 10);
auto a74 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 4, 3 }, 0, 10);
auto a75 = nc::random::randInt<int>({ 1, 4 }, 0, 10);
[[maybe_unused]] auto value9 = nc::linalg::det(a73);
auto a76 = nc::linalg::inv(a73);
auto a77 = nc::linalg::lstsq(a74, a75);
auto a78 = nc::linalg::matrix_power<int>(a73, 3);
auto a79 = nc::linalg::multi_dot<int>({ a, b.transpose(), c });
nc::linalg::svd(a.astype<double>(), u, s, vt);
return 0;
Holds 1D and 2D arrays, the main work horse of the NumCpp library.
Definition NdArrayCore.hpp:139
self_type & reshape(size_type inSize)
Definition NdArrayCore.hpp:4347
NdArray< dtypeOut > astype() const
Definition NdArrayCore.hpp:2257
constexpr double pi
Definition Core/Constants.hpp:39
const double nan
Definition Core/Constants.hpp:41
NdArray< double > inv(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition inv.hpp:54
auto det(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition det.hpp:131
NdArray< double > lstsq(const NdArray< dtype > &inA, const NdArray< dtype > &inB, double inTolerance=1e-12)
Definition lstsq.hpp:57
void svd(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, NdArray< double > &outU, NdArray< double > &outS, NdArray< double > &outVt)
Definition svd.hpp:51
void seed(int inSeed)
Definition generator.hpp:46
dtype choice(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition choice.hpp:102
NdArray< dtype > triu(uint32 inN, uint32 inM, int32 inOffset=0)
Definition tri.hpp:175
NdArray< bool > not_equal(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2)
Definition not_equal.hpp:46
NdArray< dtype > min(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition min.hpp:44
double remainder(dtype inValue1, dtype inValue2) noexcept
Definition remainder.hpp:53
NdArray< dtype > tril(uint32 inN, int32 inOffset=0)
Definition tri.hpp:50
auto expm1(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition expm1.hpp:48
double cbrt(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition cbrt.hpp:48
NdArray< double > mean(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition mean.hpp:52
constexpr dtype square(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition square.hpp:47
std::pair< NdArray< uint32 >, NdArray< uint32 > > nonzero(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition nonzero.hpp:48
NdArray< dtype > diagonal(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, int32 inOffset=0, Axis inAxis=Axis::ROW)
Definition diagonal.hpp:47
NdArray< uint32 > argsort(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition argsort.hpp:46
NdArray< dtype > sort(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition sort.hpp:46
auto tanh(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition tanh.hpp:49
auto log(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition log.hpp:50
auto sin(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition sin.hpp:49
NdArray< bool > logical_and(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2)
Definition logical_and.hpp:50
int8 sign(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition sign.hpp:52
auto tan(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition tan.hpp:49
dtype clip(dtype inValue, dtype inMinValue, dtype inMaxValue)
Definition clip.hpp:50
auto log1p(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition log1p.hpp:51
constexpr double interp(dtype inValue1, dtype inValue2, double inPercent) noexcept
Definition Functions/interp.hpp:48
NdArray< bool > logical_or(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2)
Definition logical_or.hpp:50
NdArray< bool > any(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition any.hpp:46
NdArray< bool > equal(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2)
Definition equal.hpp:45
auto abs(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition abs.hpp:49
auto cos(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition cos.hpp:49
auto sinh(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition sinh.hpp:49
NdArray< dtype > where(const NdArray< bool > &inMask, const NdArray< dtype > &inA, const NdArray< dtype > &inB)
Definition where.hpp:52
NdArray< double > nans(uint32 inSquareSize)
Definition nans.hpp:45
NdArray< dtype > flipud(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition flipud.hpp:46
NdArray< bool > isclose(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2, double inRtol=1e-05, double inAtol=1e-08)
Definition isclose.hpp:58
NdArray< dtype > unique(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition unique.hpp:53
NdArray< dtype > arange(dtype inStart, dtype inStop, dtype inStep=1)
Definition arange.hpp:59
auto sqrt(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition sqrt.hpp:48
NdArray< dtype > diff(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition diff.hpp:52
NdArray< uint32 > argmax(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition argmax.hpp:46
NdArray< dtype > hstack(std::initializer_list< NdArray< dtype > > inArrayList)
Definition hstack.hpp:50
NdArray< bool > all(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition all.hpp:46
NdArray< uint32 > count_nonzero(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition count_nonzero.hpp:49
NdArray< dtype > append(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, const NdArray< dtype > &inAppendValues, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition append.hpp:53
auto cosh(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition cosh.hpp:49
NdArray< dtype > stack(std::initializer_list< NdArray< dtype > > inArrayList, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition stack.hpp:88
NdArray< dtype > setdiff1d(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2)
Definition setdiff1d.hpp:54
bool isnan(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition isnan.hpp:49
bool allclose(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray1, const NdArray< dtype > &inArray2, double inTolerance=1e-5)
Definition allclose.hpp:54
NdArray< dtype > flip(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition flip.hpp:47
NdArray< uint32 > argmin(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition argmin.hpp:46
auto exp(dtype inValue) noexcept
Definition exp.hpp:49
NdArray< dtype > fliplr(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray)
Definition fliplr.hpp:46
NdArray< dtype > max(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, Axis inAxis=Axis::NONE)
Definition max.hpp:44
void dump(const NdArray< dtype > &inArray, const std::string &inFilename)
Definition dump.hpp:45
NdArray< dtype > vstack(std::initializer_list< NdArray< dtype > > inArrayList)
Definition vstack.hpp:49